What should I read next?

Looking for book suggestions, new authors, reviews? Here are some websites that may help you decide what to read next…

LibraryReads (libraryreads.org) is a list of the top ten books published every month that librarians across the country love, along with reviews from the librarians. The lists from prior months are also available.

Gnod’s Literature Map! (www.literature-map.com) Here’s a fun way to find some recommendations on new authors to read: Click on the website name above. Once on the website type in the name of an author. This will create a cloud of recommendations. the names of similar authors will float around the page.The closer they are in style to your chosen writer, the closer they’ll be to the middle. You can also click on any of the author names to bring up a new cloud of recommendations for that author.

Goodreads (goodreads.com) Find and read more books you’ll love, and keep track of the books you want to read. Be part of the world’s largest community of book lovers.

What Should I Read Next? (Whatshouldireadnext.com) Book recommendations from readers like you. Register for free to build your own book lists.