Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines

By using a public Internet workstation at the Ted & Grace Bachhuber Memorial Library, you agree to the following guidelines:

  • All users of electronic information resources such as the Internet are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and to follow these rules and regulations.

Responsible, ethical use of such resources includes the following:

  • Using resources for educational, informational and recreational purposes only – not for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
  • Further respecting the privacy of others using public access workstations at the Ted & Grace Bachhuber Memorial Library by interfering with their use.
  • Abstaining from the deliberate propagation of computer worms and viruses – Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data – Abstaining from altering or damaging software or data residing on the Internet.
  • Not sending, receiving or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene.

The Ted & Grace Bachhuber Memorial Library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its contents. Selection policies which serve to govern a library’s purchase of written materials may not apply to material accessed electronically. As with other library materials, it is the responsibility of parents and legal guardians to determine and monitor their children’s use of library materials and resources. A parent or legal guardian must sign an Internet Use Permission Form, in front of a staff member, for any child under the age of 18.

The Ted & Grace Bachhuber Memorial Library reserves the right to monitor our Public Internet Computers in order to ensure that our patrons are in compliance with this policy.

Misuse or abuse of this computer or Internet access will result in suspension of Internet access privileges. Persons using this equipment agree not to make any changes to the setup or configuration of the software or hardware.

Library staff is available to assist you in your use of these resources, but may not be familiar with every application you might wish to use. Due to scheduling constraints, there may not be an Internet-trained library staff member on duty at all times. Because of the many different Internet applications available, we cannot provide complete technical support. It is not possible for staff to offer extensive explanations about the Internet or personal computer use or provide in depth training. Time permitting, staff will attempt to answer specific questions about the Internet and offer suggestions for effective searching. Information about the Internet training opportunities and Internet training books and manuals may be obtained at the library.

To use the library’s public access computers, patrons must have a valid library card and PIN (Personal Identification Number or Password). The patron is guaranteed a minimum of 30 minutes on the computer when other people are waiting to use it. If no one is waiting, patrons can stay on up to a maximum of 2 hours per day or at the staff’s discretion.

No more than 2 persons may use the Internet computer at one time without special permission. The second person must have the consent of the person whose time was originally scheduled. Permission for more than 2 persons at the computer at the same time may be given for reasons such as family groups or school projects.

Patrons will be charged for use of printer and all pages printed out.

Last updated: 6/21/13